Employer / Administration
Dillingham Construction Int. Inc - Kiska-Kom İnşaat JV
Mezitli - 3 Ocak Light Rail System Metro Line Construction and Electromechanical Systems Supply, Installation and Commissioning Work
The construction of the urban HRS Metro Line, which consists of 11 stations, approximately 13.4 km in length, underground parking lot and transfer structures and other structures within the area, within the scope of this tender, is the installation and commissioning of the whole system.
•All cut and cover (about 8070 m long),
•Single tube tbm (about 4880 m long) and mezitli tail structure (about
250 m long) tunnel construction works,
•11 underground stations; civil works, architectural finishing works,
entrance-exit structures, rail / railway works,
•Line superstructure works, infrastructure detection and
displacements in all systems in the main roads and arteries,
excavation, filling, pavement, and road renovation works, construction
of under and overpasses, entrance / exit structures and all structures
on the surface according to the project, urban and landscaping works.